Nelt Group Donated Over RSD 1 Million
To the Association “Angels of the North”
Nelt Group has donated products worth RSD 1 million to the Association “Angels of the North”. Through the first solidarity kitchen for children up to two years of age, this humanitarian organization provides help for socially vulnerable families from all over Serbia.
Yesterday, twenty pallets with Nutrino, Pampers, Sebamed and Yogolino products were delivered to Backa Topola.
“Our Baby Food Factory has been continuously supporting the “Angels of the North“ association for 2 years, and this time we have added other brands from our portfolio. I am happy that the campaign has attracted a lot of public attention and I invite all the companies to join us and support the work of this and similar associations”, said Luka Saponjic, Shareholder Office Manager of Nelt Group.
Kudos to the brilliant initiative of the couple behind the name Whatifness, Anja Vukovic and Strahinja Tanaskovic, and a special thanks to all the colleagues who have joined in and contributed.