Nestle Presented Project with Nelt Mozambique

Nelt Afrika avatar Nelt Afrika 10.08.2021.

ESAR Distributor Conference

Nestle has presented a project undertaken with Nelt Mozambique at major African event, ESAR Distributor Conference. The Conference was held online on July 26th.

Dejan Jovanovic, Operations and Sales Manager in Nelt Mozambique,  elaborated on manner of work implemented within our Company, which has, by transferring from handheld computers to tablets, significantly upgraded its sales operations.

The project Automation: Ordering and Selling Process  has during the video presentation been highlighted as example of good practice, with practical benefits in the domain of efficiency, reduction of administration, inventory control, gathering of data and advanced analytics.

We have been collaborating with Nestle on the Mozambique market from the year 2015.